Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Zazzle shirt from JKcoder.com: The Messages Are Everywhere

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Zazzle shirt from JKcoder.com: The Messages Are Everywhere

Ever think you were being controlled subliminally? The messages are everywhere and you can't escape them. You've been warned.

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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Zazzle binder from JKcoder.com: First Stars

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Zazzle binder from JKcoder.com: First Stars

What did the first quasars look like? The nearest quasars are now known to be supermassive black holes in the centers of galaxies. Gas and dust that falls toward a quasar glows brightly, sometimes outglowing the entire home galaxy. The quasars that formed in the first billion years of the universe are more mysterious, though, with even the nature of the surrounding gas still unknown. An artist's impression shows a primordial quasar as it might have been, surrounded by sheets of gas, dust, stars and early star clusters. Exacting observations of three distant quasars now indicate emission of very specific colors of the element iron. Image credit: NASA/ESA/ESO/Wolfram Freudling et al. (STECF)

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Friday, June 18, 2010

Zazzle card from JKcoder.com: Elegant Fathersday

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Zazzle card from JKcoder.com: Elegant Fathersday

An elegant father's day card for a special dad.

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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Zazzle shirt from JKcoder.com: Pentagram Yin Yang

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Zazzle shirt from JKcoder.com: Pentagram Yin Yang

Symbols of balance and protection together.

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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Zazzle skateboard from JKcoder.com: Primary Color Skulls

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Zazzle skateboard from JKcoder.com: Primary Color Skulls

Three skulls representing the primary colors. The three skulls are in the traditional RYB color model "Red Yellow Blue". The markings between each skull uses the RGB color model "Red Green Blue". While the markings on either side of the skulls use the color model "Cyan Magenta Yellow".

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Friday, June 4, 2010

Zazzle postcard from JKcoder.com: Red Hibiscus Flower

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Zazzle postcard from JKcoder.com: Red Hibiscus Flower

A picture of a beautiful tropical flower known as a hibiscus.

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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Zazzle mug from JKcoder.com: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

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Zazzle mug from JKcoder.com: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

A collection of public domain art from Caroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 1865. illustrations by John Tenniel who passed away on 25 February 1914.

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